Subject: Bob Power
Date: October-28-10 7:31 AM
Dear Don:
Bob is recovering well from a stroke he had on the Sunday of Thanksgiving weekend, and his doctor in the rehab hospital in Penetang tells us he should be well enough to come home soon. There appears to be little permanent paralysis, but he has been struggling with a prosthesis that has not been cooperating, and what appears to be a nasty hospital bug: complications not related to the stroke but enough to try even his sense of humour.
We were down at Rob and Ann's and in the midst of a big party when it happened, so had lots of support including two nurses, one an emergency specialist. He spent a week in Niagara Falls General, and has been in Penetang Rehab since last Monday. Needless to say our kids have been great.Though he won't make it home for his 80th birthday on Sat we will be together there to celebrate.
Don, please pass this on to our Omega friends, and I'll send an update soon. Fond regards to all. Barbara
Labels: Member Updates, Power